Marine transportation safety recommendations
As part of its mandate, the TSB makes recommendations to eliminate or reduce safety deficiencies that pose significant risks to the transportation system and warrant the attention of regulators and industry.
Under the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, federal ministers must formally respond to TSB recommendations within 90 days and explain how they have addressed or will address the safety deficiencies. The Act does not require other stakeholders to respond to the TSB's recommendations, but they usually do.
Using the Assessment rating guide, the Board assesses responses to recommendations according to the extent to which the safety deficiency has been or is being addressed. Once recommendations have been assessed as Fully satisfactory, they are closed. The TSB continually monitors the progress being made on its recommendations.
Number | The TSB has recommended that | Source report | Current assessment | Status | Watchlist |
M00-06 | the fishing industry and the Department of Transport give increased attention to small fishing vessel hatch covers to help ensure that these covers are watertight and can be effectively secured. |
M98L0149 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed |
M00-07 | the Department of Transport alert builders and owners of fishing vessels to the need for the life rafts on all vessels to be stowed with a launching system fitted with a release mechanism that allows the inflatable liferaft to be easily released when the vessels sinks. |
M98L0149 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M00-08 | the Department of Transport examine the effectiveness of life raft automatic release mechanisms to prevent premature activation of these mechanisms on small fishing vessels in rough sea conditions. |
M98L0149 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M00-09 | the Department of Transport require small fishing vessels engaging in coastal voyages to carry an emergency position indicating radio beacon or other appropriate equipment that floats free, automatically activates, alerts the search and rescue system, and provides position updates and homing-in capabilities. |
M98L0149 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed |
M01-03 | the Department of Transport require small passenger vessels to provide pre-departure briefings, and to be equipped with a liferaft that is readily deployable, lifesaving equipment that is easily accessible, and the means to immediately alert others of an emergency situation. |
M00C0033 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M02-01 | the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation reassess and clearly identify safety sensitive positions in their organization in which incapacity due to impairment could result in direct and significant risk of injury to the employee, others or the environment. |
M01C0054 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M02-02 | the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation establish programs and policies which are pro-active and promote early detection of impairment and safety risk of employees occupying safety-sensitive positions by management, supervisors or peers and which provide an effective mechanism for remedial action. |
M01C0054 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M02-04 | the Department of Transport ensure that overall preparedness is appropriate for responding to vessel-related emergencies within the Seaway. |
M01C0054 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M03-02 | transport Canada, in coordination with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, fisher associations and training institutions, develop a national strategy for establishing, maintaining and promoting a safety culture within the fishing industry. |
M01L0112 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M03-03 | the Department of Transport, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian pilotage authorities, in consultation with marine interests, develop, implement, and exercise contingency plans to ensure that risks associated with navigation-related emergencies are adequately addressed. |
M99L0126 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M03-05 | the Department of Transport require all new inspected small fishing vessels of closed construction to submit stability data for approval. |
M02W0147 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M03-06 | the Department of Transport require all existing inspected small fishing vessels currently without any approved stability data be subjected to a roll period test and a corresponding freeboard verification not later than their next scheduled quadrennial inspection. |
M02W0147 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M03-07 | the Department of Transport, in collaboration with the fishing community, reduce unsafe practices by means of a code of best practices for small fishing vessels, including loading and stability, and that its adoption be encouraged through effective education and awareness programs. |
M02W0147 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M04-01 | the Department of Transport take steps to ensure that small passenger vessel enterprises have a safety management system. |
M02C0030 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M04-02 | the Department of Transport expedite the development of a regulatory framework that is easily understood and applicable to all small passenger vessels and their operation. |
M02C0030 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M04-03 | the Department of Transport ensure that small passenger vessels incorporate sufficient inherent buoyancy and/or other design features to permit safe, timely and unimpeded evacuation of passengers and crew in the event of an emergency. |
M02C0030 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M04-04 | the National Search and Rescue Secretariat, in collaboration with local authorities and organizations, promote the establishment of a system to monitor distress calls and to effectively coordinate Search and Rescue responses to vessel emergency situations on the Ottawa River between Ottawa and Carillon. |
M02C0030 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M05-01 | the Department of Transport submit a paper to the International Maritime Organization requesting a review of requirements for structural fire protection and fire-extinguishing systems to ensure that the fire risks associated with compartments containing high levels of electrical energy are adequately assessed, and that the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS dealing with structural fire protection and fixed fire-extinguishing systems are addressed. |
M02W0135 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M05-02 | the Department of Transport, in conjunction with the manufacturer, ensure that all present and future owners of Ovatek liferafts receive information that will allow users to properly de-water and right a swamped liferaft and encourage all users to practice these procedures. |
M03M0077 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M05-03 | the Department of Transport develop and implement performance-based standards to ensure that all liferafts deployed on Canadian vessels are capable of operating in severe marine conditions and, further, encourage the International Maritime Organization to adopt a parallel approach internationally. |
M03M0077 | Satisfactory in Part | Active | |
M05-04 | the Department of Transport ensure that the Board's previous recommendations M03-05 and M03-06 are immediately implemented. |
M04N0086 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M05-05 | the Department of Transport, in conjunction with other stakeholders, review Canadian and international marine regulations respecting fixed fire-extinguishing systems to ensure that their design, maintenance, inspection, and testing regimes effectively demonstrate continued structural and functional integrity. |
M03W0073 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M05-06 | the Department of Transport require Canadian passenger vessels over 500 gross tonnage to meet a standard of structural fire protection that ensures a level of safety equivalent to SOLAS-compliant vessels. |
M03W0073 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M08-01 | the Department of Transport, in conjunction with the Canadian Ferry Operators Association and the Canadian Coast Guard, develop, through a risk-based approach, a framework that ferry operators can use to develop effective passenger accounting for each vessel and route. |
M06W0052 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M08-02 | the Department of Transport establish criteria, including the requirement for realistic exercises, against which operators of passenger vessels can evaluate the preparedness of their crews to effectively manage passengers during an emergency. |
M06W0052 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M08-03 | the Department of Transport extend the requirement for the carriage of voyage data recorders/simplified voyage data recorders to large passenger vessels over 500 gross tonnage and all other commercial vessels on an equivalent basis to those trading internationally. |
M06W0052 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M08-04 | the Department of Transport include in the proposed Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations adequate measures to ensure that all fishing vessels operating in ice-including those participating in the seal hunt-are structurally suited for their operating environment. |
M08M0010 | Satisfactory in Part | Active |
M08-05 | the Department of Fisheries and Oceans develops comprehensive safe towing policies, procedures, and practices that take into account all safety risks associated with towing small vessels in ice-infested waters. |
M08M0010 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M09-01 | the Department of Transport advocate at the International Maritime Organization IMO effective measures to ensure that maintenance and failure records remain on board throughout a vessel's life. |
M07L0040 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M11-01 | the Department of Transport ensure that those officers to whom it issues sailing vessel endorsements are trained to use the stability guidance information that it requires to be on board sailing vessels. |
M10F0003 | Satisfactory in Part | Active | |
M11-02 | the Department of Transport undertake initiatives leading to the adoption of international standards for sail training vessels on the provision of stability guidance to assist officers in assessing the risk of a knockdown and capsize, and for the training of officers in the use of this information. |
M10F0003 | Satisfactory in Part | Dormant | |
M16-01 | the Department of Transport establish standards for all new and existing large fishing vessels to ensure that the stability information is adequate and readily available to the crew. |
M15P0286 | Satisfactory in Part | Active |
M16-02 | the Department of Transport establish standards for all small fishing vessels that have had a stability assessment to ensure their stability information is adequate and readily available to the crew. |
M15P0286 | Satisfactory in Part | Active |
M16-03 | the Department of Transport require that all small fishing vessels undergo a stability assessment and establish standards to ensure that the stability information is adequate and readily available to the crew. |
M15P0286 | Unsatisfactory | Active |
M16-04 | WorkSafeBC require persons to wear suitable personal flotation devices at all times when on the deck of a commercial fishing vessel or when on board a commercial fishing vessel without a deck or deck structure and that WorkSafeBC ensure programs are developed to confirm compliance. |
M15P0286 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M16-05 | the Department of Transport require persons to wear suitable personal flotation devices at all times when on the deck of a commercial fishing vessel or when on board a commercial fishing vessel without a deck or deck structure and that the Department of Transport ensure programs are developed to confirm compliance. |
M15P0286 | Satisfactory in Part | Active |
M17-01 | the Department of Transport ensure that commercial passenger vessel operators on the west coast of Vancouver Island identify areas and conditions conducive to the formation of hazardous waves and adopt practical risk mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood that a passenger vessel will encounter such conditions. |
M15P0347 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M17-02 | the Department of Transport require commercial passenger vessel operators to adopt explicit risk management processes, and develop comprehensive guidelines to be used by vessel operators and Transport Canada inspectors to assist them in the implementation and oversight of those processes. |
M15P0347 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M17-03 | and expand its current emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) carriage requirements to require that all commercial passenger vessels operating beyond sheltered waters carry an EPIRB, or other appropriate equipment that floats free, automatically activates, alerts search-and-rescue resources, and provides continuous position updates and homing-in capabilities. |
M15P0347 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M17-04 | the government of New Brunswick and WorkSafeNB require persons to wear suitable personal flotation devices at all times when on the deck of a commercial fishing vessel or on board a commercial fishing vessel without a deck or deck structure and that WorkSafeNB ensure that programs are developed to confirm compliance. |
M16A0140 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M18-01 | receive practical fatigue education and awareness training in order to help identify and prevent the risks of fatigue |
M16P0378 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M18-02 | to implement a comprehensive fatigue management plan tailored specifically for their operation, to reduce the risk of fatigue. |
M16P0378 | Unsatisfactory | Active |
M21-01 | the Department of Transport, in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, develops and implements mandatory risk mitigation measures for all passenger vessels operating in Canadian Arctic coastal waters. |
M18C0225 | Satisfactory Intent | Active | |
M22-01 | the Department of Fisheries and Oceans require that any Canadian vessel that is used to commercially harvest marine resources have a current and accurate Transport Canada registration. |
M20A0160 | Satisfactory Intent | Active | |
M23-01 | the Department of Transport expand its surveillance program to include regular inspections of tugs of 15 gross tonnage (GT) or less to verify that these vessels are complying with regulatory requirements. |
M21P0030 | Satisfactory in Part | Active |
M23-02 | the Department of Transport require authorized representatives of tugs of 15 gross tonnage (GT) or less to assess the risks present in their operations, including the suitability of their tugs for the specific towing operations they are undertaking. |
M21P0030 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M23-03 | the Pacific Pilotage Authority verify that eligibility requirements are met before issuing pilotage waivers to companies operating tugs in compulsory pilotage areas. |
M21P0030 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M23-04 | the Pacific Pilotage Authority implement a process to verify ongoing compliance with waiver conditions by companies operating tugs in compulsory pilotage areas. |
M21P0030 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M23-05 | the Department of Transport ensure that each inspection of a commercial fishing vessel verifies that each required written safety procedure is available to the crew and that the crew are knowledgeable of these procedures. |
M20A0434 | Satisfactory Intent | Active |
M23-06 | the Department of Transport introduce objective criteria to define major modifications to small fishing vessels and other small commercial vessels. |
M21A0065 | Not Yet Assessed | Active | |
M23-07 | the Department of Transport require that planned modifications to small fishing vessels and other small commercial vessels be assessed by a competent person, that all records of modifications to these vessels be maintained, and that the records be made available to the Department. |
M21A0065 | Not Yet Assessed | Active | |
M23-08 | the Department of Fisheries and Oceans ensure that policies, procedures, and practices include comprehensive identification of hazards and assessment of associated risks to fish harvesters when fisheries resource management decisions are being made and integrate independent safety expertise into these processes. |
M21A0065 | Not Yet Assessed | Active | |
M23-09 | the Department of Transport, in collaboration with the Department of Employment and Social Development and the territorial governments, review the occupational health and safety oversight of fishing vessels registered in the territories to ensure effective workplace safety oversight. |
M21C0214 | Not Yet Assessed | Active | |
M92-05 | the Department of Transport amend the pertinent regulations to ensure that bilge drainage systems are effective for all watertight compartments, including refrigerated spaces on fishing vessels, where below freezing temperatures may occur. |
M90M4020 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M92-07 | the Department of Transport expedite its revision of the Small Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations which will require the carriage of anti-exposure worksuits or survival suits by fishermen. |
M90N5017 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed |
M93-02 | the Department of Transport evaluate the effectiveness of its distribution practices for all marine safety information aimed at fishing masters and fishermen. |
M90L3034 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M93-03 | the Department of Transport ensure that liferafts on all federally approved or inspected vessels are stowed in such a manner as to permit easy manual launching under any conditions likely to be encountered by that vessel. |
M93M4004 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M93-04 | the Department of Transport ensure that federally inspected passenger ferries maintain an accurate passenger count and that such count is communicated to both the master and a designated person ashore before departure. |
M90M4025* | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-05 | the Department of Transport initiate research and development into ways of ensuring the accessibility of all emergency equipment, including in capsizing situations. |
M92C2007*, M92W1031* | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-06 | the Department of Transport require the installation of water level detectors in all compartments below the waterline on large fishing vessels. |
M90L3034 | Closed |
M94-21 | the Department of Transport extend the role of Canadian Coast Guard port wardens to include the survey of the stowage and securing arrangements of under-deck cargo, as well as all types of deck cargo, on vessels departing Canadian ports. |
M91L3033 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-23 | the Department of Transport establish safety standards for the furnishing and finishing of the passenger areas on high-speed craft. |
M92W1012 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-24 | the Department of Transport require that procedures be in place to secure luggage, equipment and other potentially hazardous objects in passenger areas of high-speed craft. |
M92W1012 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-27 | the Department of Transport establish specific training requirements and qualifications for the certification of personnel to operate high-speed passenger vessels. |
M92W1012 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-28 | the Department of Transport establish guidelines for the operation of high-speed passenger craft taking into account local operating conditions and the overall navigational infrastructure. |
M92W1012 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-33 | the Department of Transport establish guidelines for stability booklets so that the information they contain is presented in a simple, clear and practicable format for end-users. |
M90L3033 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M94-34 | the Department of Transport require that the pilotage authorities publish official passage plans for compulsory pilotage waters and make them available to masters to facilitate monitoring of the pilot's actions by the vessel's bridge team. |
M91L3012 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M95-09 | the Department of Transport require that the initial training syllabus for all ship officers be modified to include demonstration of skills in Bridge Resource Management. |
Satisfactory in Part | Active | ||
M95-10 | the Department of Transport require that all ship officers demonstrate skills in Bridge Resource Management before being issued Continued Proficiency Certificates. |
Unsatisfactory | Active | ||
M96-02 | the Department of Transport amend the regulations to require sight-seeing boats that carry fare-paying passengers to be fitted with adequate radio equipment and to report to the VTC, before departure, the number of persons on board. |
M93L0004, M93L0003 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M96-04 | the Department of Transport require all small boats that carry fare-paying passengers to undergo safety inspections to ensure their seaworthiness and operational safety. |
M93L0004, M93L0003 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M96-06 | the Department of Transport conduct a special audit of fire-fighting facilities at Canadian ports and harbours under its jurisdiction to ensure that an adequate year-round capability exists to contain shipboard fires. |
M94M0057 | Satisfactory in Part | Closed | |
M96-07 | the Department of Transport, in collaboration with ports and harbour authorities, take measures to ensure that shore-based fire brigades expected to support on-board fire-fighting, receive appropriate training. |
M94M0057 | Satisfactory in Part | Closed | |
M96-09 | the Department of Transport review the requirements for fire protection systems for tunnel areas on Canadian self-unloaders, with a view to ensuring a capability for suppressing large fires. |
M94M0057 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M96-10 | the Department of Transport, in conjunction with the appropriate authorities in the United States, seek harmonization in the requirements for fire detection and extinguishing systems on Great Lakes self-unloading vessels. |
M94M0057 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M96-13 | the Department of Transport, in conjunction with other government departments, agencies, and organizations, immediately undertake a national safety promotion program for operators and crews of small fishing vessels to increase their awareness of the effects of unsafe practices on vessel stability. |
M95W0005 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M96-17 | the Department of Transport and the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority implement a policy and procedures for allocating pilotage assignments, such that pilots receive sufficient rest to minimize the adverse effects of fatigue on performance. |
M93C0003 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M96-18 | the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority develop and implement an awareness program to provide guidance to dispatching staff and pilots on reducing the adverse effects of fatigue on job performance. |
M93C0003 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M97-01 | the Department of Transport implement procedures to verify that liferafts on all vessels including fishing vessels are serviced as required by the Life Saving Equipment Regulations. |
M95W0013 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M99-01 | the Department of Transport coordinate with appropriate provincial authorities to conduct a review of existing safety regulations administered by both levels of government to help ensure that the regulatory provisions pertaining to workplace safety on fishing vessels and overall operational safety are harmonized and enforced to achieve their intended objectives. |
M96M0144 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M99-02 | the provinces review their workplace legislation with a view to presenting it in a manner that will be readily understood by those to whom it applies, to help ensure that the enforcement mechanism and the regulatory regime complement each other. |
M96M0144 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed |
M99-03 | Canadian pilotage authorities adopt pilotage assignment policies and practices that both reflect the workload associated with the seasonal fluctuation in demand for pilotage services and help ensure pilots are well rested between assignments, so as to minimize the adverse effects of short-term and/or chronic fatigue on their performance. |
M97W0197 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed | |
M99-04 | the Department of Transport and the Canadian pilotage authorities develop and implement an awareness program to provide guidance to operational employees, including pilots, on reducing the adverse effects of fatigue on job performance. |
M97W0197 | Fully Satisfactory | Closed |